Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 25 Con figuring Ne two rk Sec urity with ACLs
Applying ACLs to Term inal Lines or Phy si cal Int erfaces

Applying ACLs to Terminal Line s or Physical Interfac es

Note Be fore appl ying a n ACL to a phy sica l i nte rface , see the Gu idelines for Applying ACLs to Physical
Interfaces section on page 25-6.
You can ap ply ACLs to a ny managem ent interfac e. For informa tion on c reating ACLs on ma nageme nt
interfaces, refer to the Configuring IP Services secti on of the Cisco IO S IP and IP Routi ng
Configuration Guide and the Command Reference for IOS Release 12.1.
Note Th e limit ations that apply to ACLs on physical interfaces do not appl y to ACLs on manage men t
After you create an ACL, you can apply it to one or more management interfaces or terminal lines. ACLs
can be app lied on inbound i nterfaces . This sect ion descri bes how to accomplish this task for both
terminal lines and network interfaces. Note these guidelines:
When cont rolling access to a line, you must use num bered IP ACLs or MAC extended ACLs.
When controlling access to an interface, you can use named or numbered ACLs.
Set identical restrictions on all the virtual terminal lines because a user can attempt to connect to
any of them .
If you apply ACLs to a management interface, the ACL only filters packets that are intended for the
CPU, s uch as S NMP, Telnet , or web tr affic.
If you app ly ACLs to a mana gement VLAN, see the Ma nage me nt VL A N section on pa ge 6- 18.

Applying ACLs to a Te rminal L in e

Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, foll ow these s teps to r e strict in co ming c onnec ti ons bet ween a
virtual terminal line and the addresses in an ACL:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter gl obal configura tion mode.
Step 2 line [console | vty] line-numbe r Identify a specific line for configuration, and enter in-line configuration
Enter console for the console terminal line. The console port is DCE.
Enter vty for a vir tual term inal for remote console access.
The line-number is the first line number in a contiguous group that you want
to configu re when th e line type is specified. T he range i s from 0 to 16.
Step 3 access-class access-list-number {in} Restr ict i nco mi ng and outgo i ng co nne ctio ns b etw een a pa r ticul ar v irt ual
terminal line (into a device) and the addresses in an access list.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 show running-config Display the access list configuration.
Step 6 copy running-config startup-config (Opti onal) Save your entries i n the configurat ion file.