Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 12 Configuring RSTP and MSTP Understa nding MSTP

Operations Between MST Regions

If there are multiple regions or legacy 802.1D switches within the network, MSTP establishes and
maintains the CST, which includes all MST regions and all legacy STP switches in the network. The
MST instan ce s com bi ne w it h the IST at the boun da ry of t he r egion to bec ome th e CST.
The IST connects all the MSTP switches in the region and appears as a subtree in the CST that
enco mpasse s the en tir e swi tched dom ain , with t he root of the sub tre e bein g the IS T mast er. Th e MST
region appears as a virtual switch to adjacent STP switches and MST regions.
Figure 12-3 sh ows a net work wi th t hre e MST region s and a legacy 802. 1D sw it ch (D ). T he IS T ma ster
for regio n 1 ( A) is also the C ST roo t. T he IS T mast er f or region 2 (B) and t he I ST ma ster f or region 3
(C) are the roots for their respective subtrees within the CST. The RSTP runs in all regions.
Figure 12-3 MST Regions, IST Masters, and the CST Root
Figure 12-3 doe s not sh ow addition al MST inst anc es f or ea ch r egion. Not e t hat the to pology of MS T
instan ces ca n be differe nt f rom th at o f the IST f or the same region.
Only the CST instance sends an d receives BPDUs, and MST instanc es add their spanning- tree
information into the BPDUs to interact with neighboring switches and compute the final spanning-tree
topology. B ec ause of t his, the spanni ng-t ree para m eters re late d to BPDU tr an smission (f or exampl e,
hello tim e, for ward tim e, max- age, and m ax-hops) are conf igu red only on the CST inst ance b ut af fect all
MST inst ances. Param eters re lated to the spanning -tree t opology (fo r example, switch pri ority, por t
VLAN cost, port VLAN priority) can be configured on both the CST instan ce and the MST instance.
MSTP switches use version 3 RSTP BPDUs or 802.1D STP BPDUs to communicate with legacy 802.1D
switches. MSTP switches use MSTP BPDUs to communicate with MSTP switches.
IST master
and CST root
IST master IST master
MST Region 1
Legacy 802.1D
MST Region 2 MST Region 3