Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide

Clustering Switches

This chapter provides these topics to help you get started with switch clustering:
Understa ndin g Swi tch Cl u sters , pa ge 6-2
Planning a Sw itch Cluster, page 6-5
Creating a Switch C l uster, page 6- 19
Using the CL I to Manage Sw itch Clusters, page 6-25
Using SNMP to Manag e Switch Cluste rs, page 6-26
Configuring swit ch clust ers is m ore ea sily done fro m the Cl uste r Mana geme nt Suit e (CMS) web-b ase d
interface than through the command-line interface (CLI). Therefore, information in this chapter focuses
on us ing CMS t o create a clus ter . See Chapter 3, Getting Starte d with CMS, for additional information
about switch clusters and the clustering options. For complete procedures about using CMS to configure
switch cl usters , refe r to the onli ne help.
For the CLI clus ter comm ands, refer to th e switch c omman d refere nce.
Refer to the release notes for the list o f Catalyst switches e ligible for switch clustering , including whic h
ones can be com mand switc hes and whic h ones can only be member switc hes, and for the require d
software versions an d browser and Java plug-in co nfiguration s.
Note Th is chapter focuses on C atalyst 2950 sw itch clu sters. It also i nclude s guideline s and lim itations for
clusters mixed with other cluster-capable Catalyst switches, but it does not provide complete
descri ptions of the cluster fe atures fo r these ot her switc hes. For compl ete clu ster info rmat ion for a
specific Catalyst platform, refer to the software configuration guide for that switch.