Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
described 12-10
BPDU filtering
described 13-3
enabling 13-16
BPDU guard
described 13-3
enabling 13-15
CIST, descri bed 12-8
config urati on guidelin es 12-12
forwar d-dela y time 12-20
hello time 12-19
link ty pe for rapi d converg ence 12-22
maximu m aging tim e 12-21
maximu m hop count 12-21
MST region 12-13
path cost 12-18
port priority 12-17
root switch 12-14
secondary root switch 12-16
switch priority 12-19
defined 12-8
operati ons between re gions 12-9
default conf igur ati on 12-12
default optional feature configuration 13-14
displaying sta tus 12-23
enab lin g t h e mod e 12-13
extended sy s tem I D
affec ts on ro ot sw itch 12-14
affec ts on se conda ry r oot s wit ch 12-16
unexpec ted b ehavio r 12-14
interface stat e, blocking t o forwardi ng 13-2
interoperability with 802.1D
described 12-11
restar ting migr ation proc ess 12-22
defined 12-8
master 12-8
operati ons wi thin a regi on 12-8
loop gu ar d
described 13-13
enabling 13-20
mapping VL ANs to MST instanc e 12-13
MST regi on
CIST 12-8
configuring 12-13
described 12-7
hop-coun t m echa nis m 12-10
IST 12-8
supported spa nning-t ree instanc es 12-7
overview 12-7
Port Fast
described 13-2
enabling 13-14
preventing root switch selection 13-12
root g uar d
described 13-12
enabling 13-19
root switch
affects of extended system ID 12-14
configuring 12-14
unexpected behavior 12-14
shutdown Port Fast-enable d port 13-3
multicast groups
and IGMP snooping 17-5
Immediate Leave 17-4
joining 17-2
leaving 17-4
static joins 17-8
multicast router interfaces, monitoring 17-11
multic ast rou ter po rts, addi ng 17-7
Multicast VLAN Registration
Multilink Decomposer window 3-22
multilink icon 3-23
Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol