Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
18 Configuring Port-Based Traffic Control 18-1
Configuring Storm Control 18-1
Understanding Storm Cont rol 18-1
Default Storm Co ntrol Con figuration 18-2
Enabling Storm Control 18-2
Disabling Storm Control 18-3
Configuring Prote cted Ports 18-3
Configuring Port Se curity 18-4
Understandi ng Port Security 18-5
Secure MAC Addresses 18-5
Secu rity Viol at ions 18-6
Default Port Security Configuration 18-7
Port Security Configuration Guidelines 18-7
Enabling and Configuring Port Security 18-7
Enabling and Configuring Port Security Agin g 18-10
Displaying P ort-Based Traf fic Contr ol Settings 18-12
19 Configuring UDLD 19-1
Understanding UDLD 19-1
Configuring UDLD 19-3
Default UDLD Conf igurati on 19-3
Enabling UDLD Globally 19-4
Enabling UDLD on an Interface 19-4
Resetting an Interface Shut Down by UDLD 19-5
Displaying UDLD Status 19-6
20 Configuring CDP 20-1
Understanding CDP 20-1
Configuring CDP 20-2
Default CDP Configuration 20-2
Configuring the CDP Cha racteristics 20-2
Disabling and Enablin g CDP 20-3
Disabling and Enabling CDP on an Interface 20-4
Monitoring and Maintainin g CDP 20-5
21 Configuring SPAN and RSPAN 21-1
Understanding SPAN and RSPAN 21-1
SPAN and RSPAN Concepts and Terminology 21-3