Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 6 Clustering Switches
Unders tan din g Switch Clusters
Note Catalyst 2950 command switches running Release 12.1(9)EA1 or later can connect to standby command
switches in the management VLAN.
It is redundantly connected to the cluster so that connectivity to member switches is maintained.
It is not a comm and or me mber switch of ano ther clust er.
Note Standby command switches must meet these requirements:
When the command switch is a Catalyst 3550 switch, all standby command switches must be
Catalyst 3550 sw itc hes .
When the command switch is a Catalyst 2950 switch running Release 12.1(9)EA1 or later, all
standby co mm and s wit che s must b e Ca talyst 295 0 swi tch es ru nning Re le ase 12.1(9 )E A1 or
When the command switch is a Catalyst 2950 switch running Release 12.1(6)EA2 or later, all
standby co mm and s wit che s m ust b e Ca talyst 295 0 sw itch es ru nni ng Re le ase 1 2. 1(6 )EA2 or
When the com mand switc h is runnin g Release 12. 0(5)WC 2 or earlie r, the standby comm and
switches c an be t hese swit ches: C atal yst 2900 XL, C ata lyst 2950, a nd Cata lyst 3500 XL
We strongly recommend that the command switch and standby command switches are of the same
switch platform.
If you have a Cataly st 3550 co mman d sw itc h, the sta ndby com mand sw itches shoul d be
Catalyst 3550 sw itc hes .
If you have a Cataly st 2950 co mman d sw itc h, the sta ndby com mand sw itches shoul d be
Catalyst 2950 sw itc hes .
If you have a Cataly st 2900 XL or Catalyst 350 0 XL command sw itch, the stand by command
switches should be Catalyst 2900 XL and Ca talyst 3500 XL switch es.

Candidate Switch and Member Switch Characteristics

Candidate switches are cluste r-capable swi tches that have not yet been adde d to a clus ter. Mem ber
switches are switches that have actually been added to a switch cluster. Although not required, a
candi date or memb er switch can have its own IP address and p assword (for rel ated consi deratio ns, see
the IP Addresses section on page 6-15 and Passwords section on pa ge 6-16).
To join a cluster, a candidate switch must meet these requirements:
It is running cluster-capabl e software.
It has CDP version 2 enable d.
It is not a comm and or me mber switch of ano ther clust er.
If the Cata lyst 2950 mem ber or candi date swi tch is runni ng Releas e 12.1(9) EA1 or late r, i t is
connec ted to th e comm and swit ch throu gh at lea st one co mmon VLA N.
If the C atal yst 2950 me mber o r candi d ate sw it ch i s run ning a rel ease e arl ier tha n
Releas e 12.1( 9)EA 1, it is co nne cted t o th e co mm and sw it ch t hr oug h th e co mman d-sw it ch
manageme nt VLAN .