Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Ch apter 1 Overview
Quality of Service and Class of Service
IEEE 8 02. 1P cl ass o f ser vice (CoS) w ith fou r p rior ity qu eu es on t he sw itch 1 0/100 a nd LR E
ports and eight priority queues on the Gigabit ports for prioritizing mission-critical and
time-sensitive traffic from data, voice, and telephony applications
IP Differentiated Services Code Point (IP DSCP) and class of service (CoS) marking pri orities
on a pe r-port b as is fo r p ro tec ting t h e pe rfo rm an ce o f missi on-cr iti ca l a pplica ti ons (o nly
available with the EI)
Flow-based packet classification (classification based on information in the MAC, IP, and
TCP/UDP headers) for high-performance quality of service at the network edge, allowing for
differentiated service levels for different types of network traffic and for prioritizing
mission-critical traffic in the network (only available in the EI)
Support for I EE E 80 2.1 P Co S sche duli ng f or cla ssificatio n and pr efe renti al treat ment of
high-priority voice traffic
Trusted boun dary (d etect the pr esence of a Cisco IP phone , trust the CoS value received, and
ensure por t securi ty. If the IP phone is not de tected , disab le the trus ted setti ng on the port and
prevent m isuse of a high- prio rit y q ueue .)
Traffic-policing policies on the switch port for allocating the amount of the port bandwidth to
a specific traffic flow
Policing traffic flows to restrict specific applications or traffic flows to metered, predefined
Up to 60 police rs on ingress Gi gabit-capa ble Ether net ports
Up to six policers on ingress 10/100 ports
Granula rity of 1 Mbps on 10/ 100 ports a nd 8 Mbps on 10/100 /100 0 ports
Out-of-profile markdown for packets that exceed bandwidth utilization limits
Note Policing is available only in the EI.
Egre ss P oli ci ng a nd S che du lin g of Egr ess Queu esF our egress queues on all switch ports. Support
for str ict pri ori ty a nd weigh ted ro und -r obin (WR R) CoS polic ies
Switch LEDs that provide visual port and switch status
Switc hed P o rt A nal yz er (S PAN) an d Re mot e SPAN (RSPAN) fo r t raffic monit oring on any po rt or
Note RSPAN is available only in the EI.
Four groups (history , statistics, alarms, and events) of embedded remote monitoring (RMON) agents
for networ k monito ring and tra ffic anal ysis
MAC address not ification for tracki ng the MAC addresse s that the swit ch has learned or re moved
Syslog facility for logging system messages about authentication or authorization errors, resource
issues, an d time-out events