Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File System , Configura tion Files, an d Software Ima g es
Working with Software Images
Before yo u begin download ing or uplo ading an image file by using FTP, do these tasks:
Ensure that the switch has a route to the FTP server. The switch and the FTP server must be in the
same subnetwork if you do not have a router to route traffic between subnets. Check connecti vity to
the FTP server by using the ping comman d.
If you are acc essin g the sw itch throu gh th e co nsole or a Telnet session and you do not have a valid
usernam e, m ake sur e t hat t he c ur rent FT P u ser name is th e on e that you wa nt to use for th e FT P
download. You can enter the show users privileged EXEC command to view the valid username. If
you d o n ot want to use th is us erna me, cr ea te a new FTP u s erna me by usin g th e ip ftp username
username global conf iguration command. This ne w name w ill be us ed during all archi v e opera tions.
The new username is stored in NVRAM. If you are accessing the switch through a Telnet session
and you hav e a v alid username, this username is used, and you do not need to set the FTP username.
Includ e t he use rn am e i n th e archive download- sw or archive upload -sw privileged EXEC
comm an d if yo u want to s pec i fy a u ser na me f or t hat op er ati on on ly.
When you upload an image file to the FTP server, it must be properly configured to accept the write
request fro m the user on the switch.
For more inform ation , refer to the docum entati on for your FTP server.

Downloading an Image File By Using FTP

You can download a new image file and overwrite the current image or keep the current image.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mo de, follow Steps 1 through 7 to download a new image from an FTP
server and overwrite the existing image. To keep the current image, skip Step 7.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Verify tha t the FT P server i s p rop er ly c onfigure d by re fe rrin g
to t he Preparing to Download or Upload an Image File By
Usin g FT P secti on on pa ge B-25.
Step 2 Log into the switch through the console port or a Telnet
Step 3 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
This step is required only if you override the default remote
username or pa ssword (see Steps 4, 5, and 6).
Step 4 ip ftp username username (Optiona l) Change th e default re mote user name.
Step 5 ip ftp password password (Optional) Change the default pass word.
Step 6 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.