Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Configuring VLA Ns Configuring VMPS
To return the switch to its default setting, use the no vmps retry global c onfigura tion c om mand .

Monitoring the VMPS

You can displ ay inf ormati on ab out the VM PS b y using th e sho w vmps pri vi le ged EXEC comm and. Th e
switch displays this information about the VMPS:
This i s a n exam ple of out put for th e show v mps privileged EXE C c omma nd:
Switch# show vmps
VQP Client Status:
VMPS VQP Version: 1
Reconfirm Interval: 60 min
Server Retry Count: 3
VMPS domain server: (primary, current)
Reconfirmation status
VMPS Action: No Dynamic Port

Troubleshooting Dynamic Port VLAN Membership

The VMPS shuts down a dynamic port under these conditions:
The VMPS is in secure mode, and it does not allo w the hos t to connect to the p ort. The VMPS shuts
down the p ort to pr event the ho st from c onn ecti ng to t he netwo rk.
More than 20 active hosts reside on a dyn ami c port.
To re -ena ble a disa ble d d yna mic po rt, ent er th e no shutdown interface configur ation c omman d.
VMPS VQP Version The version of VQP used to communicate with the VMPS. The switch queries
the VMPS that is using VQP version 1.
Reconfirm In terval The numbe r of minutes t he switch waits be fore rec onfirming the
VLAN-to-MAC-address a ssignme nts.
Server Retr y C ount The num ber of tim es V QP rese nds a q uery t o the VM PS. If n o r espons e is
received after this many tries, the switch starts to query the secondary VMPS.
VMPS domain serv er The I P address of the c onfi gured VLAN memb ership polic y serv ers. T he switch
sends queries to the one marked current. The one marked primary is the primary
VMPS Action The result of the most recent rec onfirmatio n attem p t. A reco nfirmati on atte mpt
can occur automatically when the reconfirmation interval expired, or you can
force it by ente ring the vmps r econfir m pri vil eg ed EXE C comman d or its CMS
or SNMP equivalent.