Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Configuring Network Security with ACLs
This cha pter d escri bes how to configu re net work se curit y on yo ur swi tch by usi ng a cce ss contr ol l ists
(ACLs), which are also referred to in commands and tables as access lists.
You can create ACLs for physical interfaces or management interfaces. A management interface is
defined as a m anagement VLAN or any traffic that is going d irectl y to the CP U, such as SN MP, Telnet,
or web traf fi c. You can create ACLs for management interfaces with the standard software image (SI) or
the en hanced so ft ware image (EI) installed on your switch. However, you must have the EI installed on
your switc h to apply ACLs to physical interfaces .
Note A n ACL s that app lied is to a physi cal int erface has a lim itation of one mask, and ce rtain keywords are
not supp orte d. For m ore i nfor ma tion, se e t he Guidelines for Applying ACLs to Physical Interfaces
section on page 25-6.
Note For comple te syntax and us age inform ation for the co mmands used in this chapter, refer to th e command
reference for this release and the Configuring IP Services sect ion of the Cisco IOS IP and IP Routing
Configuration Guide and the Command Reference for IOS Release 12.1.
This chapter consists of these sections:
Understa ndin g ACLs, pa ge 25 -2
Configuring ACLs, page 25-6
Displaying ACL Information, page 25-21
Exam ples for Com pilin g ACLs, page 25-23
You ca n configure ACLs by using th e Cluste r Manage ment Suit e (CMS) or thr ough the co mman d-line
interface (CLI). Refer to the CMS online help for step-by-step configuration procedures through CMS.
For informa ti on ab out ac c essing a nd us ing C MS, see Ch apter 3, Getting Started with CMS.
You can also use the security wizard to filter inbound traffic on the switches. Filtering can be based on
network a ddress es, Transmission Cont rol Prot ocol ( TC P) a ppl icatio ns, or U ser Datag ram Proto co l
(UDP) applicati ons. You can choose whether to drop or to forward packets that meet the f iltering criteria.
To use thi s wizar d, yo u must know how the ne twork is de signe d a nd h ow inte rface s a re u sed on the
filtering device. Refer to the security wizard online help for step-by-step configuration procedures about
using this wizard.