Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 25 Con figuring Ne two rk Sec urity with ACLs
Configuring ACLs

Guidelines for Applying ACLs to Physical Interfaces

When ap plyi ng ACLs to physic al in terfaces , f oll ow these configura tion g uide lines:
Only one ACL can be attached to an interface. For more information, refer to the ip access-group
interface command in the command reference for this release.
All ACEs in an ACL must have the same user-defined mask. However, ACEs can have different
rules that use the same ma sk. On a given interface, on ly one type of user-defined mask is allowed,
but you can ap pl y any nu mbe r of sys tem- defined m asks. For mor e info rm ati on on sy stem -de fined
masks, see the Und erstand ing Access Control Paramete rs sectio n o n pag e 25-4.
This example shows the same mask in an ACL:
Switch (config)#ip access-list extended acl2
Switch (config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any eq 80
Switch (config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any eq 23
In this example, the first ACE permits all the TCP packets coming from host with a
destinati on TCP p ort num be r of 80 . T he s econd ACE permi ts a ll TC P pa cket s com ing fro m host
20.1.1. 1 with a de stination TCP port number of 23. Both the ACEs use the same mask; therefore, a
switch supports this ACL.
When you apply an ACL to a physical interface, some keywords are not supported and certain mask
restrict ions a pply to th e ACLs. See the C re atin g a Nu mb er ed Standard ACL section on page 25-9
and th e Creating a Numbered Extended ACL section on page 25-10 for creating these ACLs.
Note You can also appl y ACLs to a management interface without the abov e limitations. For information, refer
to the Configuring IP Ser vices section of the Cisco IOS IP and IP Routing Configuration Gui de and
the Command Ref erence for IO S Releas e 12.1.

Configuring ACLs

This s e cti on i nc l ud e s th ese to p ics:
Unsupp orted Feat ures section on page 25-7
Creat ing Sta nda rd a nd Ex tend ed IP ACLs section on page 25-7
Creating N ame d MAC Extended ACLs section o n p age 25-18
Creating MAC Access Groups secti on on page 25-19
Configuring ACLs on a Layer 2 interface is the same as configuring ACLs on Cisco routers. The process
is bri efly d esc rib ed he re. For mo re d etai led info rmat ion a bout co nfigurin g route r ACLs, refer to th e
Configuring IP Ser vices chapter in the Cisco IP and IP R outing C onfiguratio n Gu ide f or IO S
Release 12.1. For detailed information about the commands, refer to the Cisco IOS IP and IP Routing
Comm and Re fer e nce fo r IOS Rel ease 12.1. For a list of IOS features not supported on the switch, see the
Unsupp orted Feat ures section on page 25-7.