Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Co n figuring VLANs
Configuring VMPS
If the link goes down on a dynamic port, the port returns to an isolated state and does not belong to a
VLAN. An y h osts that com e online through the port are chec ked again through t he VQP with the VMPS
before the p ort is a ssigned to a V LA N.

VMPS Database Configuration File

The VMPS contains a database configuration file that you create. This ASCII text file is stored on a
switch-accessible TFTP server that functions as a VMPS server. The file contains VMPS information,
such as the domain name, the fallback VLAN name, and the MAC-address-to-VLAN mapping. The
switch cann ot act as the VMPS, but you can use a Cata lyst 5000 or Catalys t 6000 seri es switch as the
You can configure a fallback VLAN name. If you connect a device with a MAC address that is not in the
database, the VMPS sends the fallback VLAN name to the client. If you do not configure a fallback
VLAN an d the MAC address does not ex ist in t he data base, th e VMP S sends a n access-denied response.
If the VMPS is in secure mode, it sends a port-shutdown res pons e.
Whenever port names are use d in the V MPS databa se con figurati on file, the server must use th e swi tch
convention for naming ports. For example, Fa0/4 is fixed Fast Ethernet port number 4. If the switch is a
cluste r mem be r, the comm an d s wit ch a dd s t he na me of t he swi tc h bef or e the type . For exam ple ,
es3%Fa0/4 refers to fixed Fast Ethernet port 4 on member switch 3. When port names are required, these
naming conventions must be followed in the VMPS database configuration file when it is configured to
support a c luster.
This exam ple shows a exam ple of a V MPS d ata ba se co nfigurat ion file as it ap pe ars o n a C ata lyst 6000
series switch. The file has these characteristics:
The se curit y mode is op en.
The default is used for the fallback VLAN.
MAC addre ss-to- VLAN name mappi n gsThe MAC address of each host and the VLAN to which
each host bel ongs is defined.
Port gr oups are defined.
VLAN g rou ps ar e defined.
VLAN port policies are defined for the ports associated with restricted VLANs.
!VMPS File Format, version 1.1
! Always begin the configuration file with
! the word “VMPS”
!vmps domain <domain-name>
! The VMPS domain must be defined.
!vmps mode {open | secure}
! The default mode is open.
!vmps fallback <vlan-name>
!vmps no-domain-req { allow | deny }
! The default value is allow.
vmps domain DSBU
vmps mode open
vmps fallback default
vmps no-domain-req deny
!MAC Addresses