Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Ch apter 1 Overview
Netwo rk Configuration Ex am ples
A network backbone i s a high-ba ndwidth co nnectio n (such as Fast Ethe rnet or G igabit Ethe rnet) tha t
interconnects segments and network resources. It is re qu ir e d i f n um e ro us s eg me nt s re qu i re ac ce s s t o t h e
servers. The Catalyst 2900, Catalyst 2950, Catalyst 3500, and Catalyst 3550 switches in this network are
connec ted thro ugh a Giga Sta ck G BI C on ea ch sw it ch t o form a 1- Gbps net work ba ckbo ne . This
GigaStack can also be configured as a switch cluster , with primary and secondary command switches for
redunda nt c luste r mana geme nt.
Workstations are connected directly to the 10/100 switch ports for their own 10- or 100-Mbps access to
network resources (such as web and mail servers). When a workstation is configured for full-duplex
operati on, it receives up to 200 Mbps of dedicated ba ndwidth fr om the swit ch.
Servers are co nnected t o the GBIC mo dule port s on the switche s, allowing 1-G bps throug hput to us ers
when needed. When the switch and server ports are configured for full-duplex operation, the links
provide 2 Gbps of ba nd wid th. For ne tworks th at do n ot r equi re G igab it perf orm an ce f ro m a ser ver,
connect the server to a Fast Ethernet or Fast EtherChannel switch port.
Connec ting a router to a Fas t Etherne t switch port provid es multiple , simult aneous ac cess to the Inte rnet
through on e lin e.
Figure 1-2 Small to Medium-Sized Network Configuration
100 Mbps
(200 Mbps full duplex)
Single workstations
Cisco 2600 router
10/100 Mbps
(20/200 Mbps full duplex)
1 Gbps
(2 Gbps full duplex)
Catalyst 2900,
Catalyst 2950,
Catalyst 3550,
and Catalyst 3500
GigaStack cluster