Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
manageme nt VLAN
changing 6-18
considerations in switch clusters 6-8, 6-9, 6-18
discovery thr oug h d iffere nt ma nage ment VL ANs 6-9
discovery thr oug h sam e mana geme nt V LA N 6-8
IP addre ss 6-18
CWDM configuration example 1-20
long-di sta nce, hig h-b an dw idt h tr an sport conf i gurat ion
example 1-20
mappin g ta ble s f or Q oS
DSCP 26-24
DSCP-to-CoS 26-26
described 26-5
matching, ACLs 25-7
maximu m aging tim e
MSTP 12-21
STP 11-20
maximu m hop count , MSTP 12-21
member ship mode, VLAN port 3-9, 14-3
member sw itch
adding 6-20
automatic discovery 6-5
defined 6-2
managing 6-25
passwords 6-15
recove ring fr om lost conne c tivit y 28-11
requirements 6-4
See also cand idate switc h, cluster standby grou p, and
standby comm a nd sw itch
menu ba r
described 3-15
variations 3-15
system 3-19
to user s th rou gh banne rs 7-51
metrop olitan- area ne tworks
See MANs
accessing files with FTP A-2
location of files A-2
overview 24-1
SNMP interaction with 24-4
supported A-1
microfilters, phone 1-16, 10-7
mirror in g traf fic for an aly sis 21-1
mismatches, autonegotiation 28-12
Mode b utt on 3-9
access to CMS 3-31
port 3-8
VLAN port membership 3-9
Modify button 3-30
access group s 25-23
ACLs 25-22
cables for unidirectional links 19-1
CDP 20-5
filters 17-24
snooping 17-11
interfaces 9-16
multicast router interfaces 17-11
MVR 17-19
network traffic for analysis with probe 21-1
port p rotecti on 18-12
speed a nd dupl ex mode 9-13
traffic f l owing am ong swi tch es 22-1
traffic s uppre ssion 18-12
VLANs 14-14
VMPS 14-31
VTP 15-16
boundary p orts
configura tion guid elines 12-12