Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 27 Configuring Eth erChannels Configuring EtherChannels

Configuring Eth erChannels

These sec tions descr ibe how to configure Ethe rChanne l interfac es:
Default Eth erCha nnel Configurat ion, pa ge 27-7
Ether Channe l C onfigurat ion G uide lin es, pa ge 27 -8
Configuring Lay er 2 Eth erCha nn els, page 2 7-8
Configuring EtherCha nnel Lo ad Balan cing, page 27-10
Configuring t he PAgP Lear n M et hod a nd Prior ity, pa ge 27- 11
Note Make sure t hat the interf aces are co rrectly conf igured (s ee the EtherChannel Configuration Guidelines
section on page 27-8).
Note After you co nf igu re an Ether Cha nnel , configurati on chan ges appli ed to th e por t-ch anne l int erf ace ap ply
to all the p hysic al in terfa ce s assi gn ed to the po rt-c hann el in ter face, and co nfigurati on cha nge s app l ied
to the physic al inter face affect only th e interfac e where you apply the configuratio n.

Default EtherChannel Configuration

Table 27-2 shows the de fault Et herCh an nel co nfigurat ion .
Note The basic version of Etherchannel, which has to be manually configured, is not supported on the Catalyst
2950 LRE port s; the PAgP-enabled version i s supported .
Table 27-2 Default EtherChannel Configuration
Feature Default Setting
Channe l g rou ps None as signe d.
PAgP mode No de fault.
PAgP learn met hod Aggregat e-po rt l ear ni ng on a ll int erfaces.
PAgP priority 128 on all interfaces. (Changing this value has no effect.)
Load bal ancing Load dist ribution on the switch i s based on the
source -MAC address of the incom ing packet.