Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 27 Configuring Eth erChannels Displaying EtherChannel and PAgP Status
To return EtherChannel load balancing to the default configuration, use the no port-channel
load-balance global con figuration co mman d.

Configuring the PAgP Learn Method and Priority

Network devices are cla ssified as PAgP physic al lea rn ers o r a gg regate-por t le arne rs. A d evice is a
physical learn er i f i t lea rns a ddre sses by physic al po rt s and dir ects t rans missi ons ba sed o n that
knowledge. A device is an aggregate-port learner if it learns addresses by aggregate ports.
For compatibility with Catalyst 1900 serie s switches, con figure the Catalyst 2950 switches for
source- MAC load dist ribution .
The Ca talyst 2950 sw it ch su ppo rts a dd ress le ar ning on ly o n ag gregate po rts even thoug h th e
physical-port keyword is provided in the com mand- line int erface (C LI). Th e pagp learn-method and
the pagp port-priority interfa ce configura tion com mand have no effect on the swit ch hardwar e.
Note You should not set the learn method to physical-port because the swit ch is an aggreg ate-learn ing de vice.
If the link partner to the switch is a physical lea rner that has the channel-group interface confi guration
command set to auto or desirable, the switch auto m atically use s the load-d istributio n metho d based o n
the source M AC address, regardless of th e configured load distribution met hod.
If the link partner to the Catalyst 2950 switch is a physical learner that has the channel-group interface
conf iguration c ommand set to on, set the load-distrib ution method based on the source MAC address b y
using the port-channel load-balance src-mac global configurat ion comm and.

Displaying EtherCh annel and PAgP Status

You can use the pri vile ged EXE C command s descri bed in Table 27-3 to display EtherChannel and PAgP
status information:
For deta iled info rmation abou t t he fie ld s in t he displ ays , re fer to the command refe renc e f or th is r ele ase.
Step 4 show etherchannel load- balance Verify yo ur ent rie s.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optiona l) Save your entries in the co nfigurati on file.
Command Purpose
Table 2 7-3 Commands for Displaying EtherChannel and PAgP Status
Command Description
show etherchannel [channel-group-number] {brief |
detail | load-balance | port | port-channel | summary}Display s E therC hann el in forma ti on in a bri ef, de taile d, and
one-line summar y form. Also di splays the l oad-bal ance or
frame- di stributi on sch em e, p ort , a nd po rt-c hann el in for mat ion.
show pagp [ channel-group-number] {counters |
internal | neighbor}1
1. You can clear PAgP channel-group information and traffic filters by using the clear pagp {channel-group-number [counters] | counters} privileged
EXEC command.
Displays PAgP information such as traffic information, the
interna l PAgP configur ation , an d n eig hbor i nfor ma tio n.