Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 23 Configuring System Message Logging Configuring System Message Logging
The logging buffered global configuration command copies logging messages to an internal buffer. The
buffer is c irc ula r, so newer messa ges overwr ite o lder m es sag es aft er t he buffer is fu ll. To di spla y t he
messages that are logged in the buffer, use the show logging privileged EXEC command. The first
message displayed is the oldest message in the buffer. To clear the c ontents o f the buffer, use the clear
logging privileged EXEC com ma nd.
To disable logging to the console, use the no logging console global configuration command. T o disable
logging to a file, use the no logging file [severity-level-number | type] glob al co nfiguration c omman d.
Step 3 logging host Log me ssages to a UNIX syslog server host.
For host, specify the name or IP address of the host to be used as the
syslog server.
To build a list of syslog servers that receive logging messages, enter this
command more than once.
For complete syslog server configuration steps, see th e C onfiguring
UNIX Syslog Servers section on page 23-10.
Step 4 logging file flash:filename
[max-file-size] [min-file-size]
[severity-level-number | type]
Store log me ssages in a file in Flash memory.
For filename, enter the log message filename.
(Optional) For max-file-size, specify t h e m axim um loggi ng file size.
The ran ge is 4096 to 214 748364 7. The default is 4069 bytes.
(Optional) For min-file-size, specify the minimum logging file size.
The ran ge is 1024 to 214 748364 7. The default is 2048 bytes.
(Opti onal) F or severity-level-number | type, specify either the logging
severity level or the logging type. The severity range is 0 to 7. For a
list o f lo ggi ng t yp e keywords, se e Tab le 23-3 on pa ge 23-9. By
default, the log file receives debugging messages and numerically
lower levels.
Step 5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 6 terminal monitor Log me ssage s to a no nc onsole term ina l du ring the cur rent se ssion .
Terminal parameter-setting commands are set locally and do not remain
in effect after the se ssion has end ed . You must perform this step for each
session to see the debugging messages.
Step 7 show running-config Verify yo ur entries.
Step 8 copy running-config startup-config (Optio nal) Save your e ntr ies in the con figurati on file.
Command Purpose