Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 17 Configuring IGMP Snooping and M V R Displaying IGMP Snooping Information

Displaying IGMP Snooping Information

You ca n displ ay I GMP snoo pi ng i nf ormat ion f or dyn ami cal ly le ar ned an d sta ti call y co nfigure d rou ter
ports and V LAN interfac es. You can al so display MA C add ress multicast entrie s for a VLAN config ured
for IG MP snoopi ng .
To displ ay I GMP snoo ping info rm ati on , u se on e or mo re o f t h e privilege d EX EC co mman ds in
Table 17-4.
This is an example of output from the show ip igmp snooping privileged EXEC command for all VLAN
interfaces on the switch:
Switch# show ip igmp snooping
vlan 1
IGMP snooping is globally enabled
IGMP snooping is enabled on this Vlan
IGMP snooping immediate-leave is disabled on this Vlan
IGMP snooping mrouter learn mode is pim-dvmrp on this Vlan
IGMP snooping is running in IGMP_ONLY mode on this Vlan
vlan 2
IGMP snooping is globally enabled
IGMP snooping is enabled on this Vlan
IGMP snooping immediate-leave is disabled on this Vlan
IGMP snooping mrouter learn mode is pim-dvmrp on this Vlan
IGMP snooping is running in IGMP_ONLY mode on this Vlan
vlan 10
IGMP snooping is globally enabled
IGMP snooping is enabled on this Vlan
Table 17-4 Commands for Displaying IGMP Snooping Inform ation
Command Purpose
show ip igmp snooping [vlan vlan-id] Display t he snooping configuration in format ion for all VLAN s on the
switch or for a specified VLAN.
(Option al) Ente r vlan vlan-id to display inform ation for a single VLA N.
show ip igmp snooping mrouter [vlan vlan-id] Display i nformat ion on dyna mically lea rned and ma nually con figured
multicast router interfaces.
Note When you enable IGMP snooping, the switch automatically
learns the interface to which a multicast router is connected.
These are dynamically learned interfaces.
(Option al) Ente r vlan vlan-id to display inform ation for a single VLA N.
show mac address-table multicast [vlan vlan-id]
[user | igmp-snooping] [count]Display the Layer 2 MAC address table entries for a VLAN. The
keywords are all optional and limit the display as shown:
vlan vlan-idDisplays only the specified multicast group VLAN.
userDisplays only the user-configured multicast entries.
igmp-snoopingDisplays on l y entr ies lea rned thro ugh IGM P
countDisplays only the total number of entries for the selected
criteria, not the actual entries.