Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
limiting access by servers 24-13
See NTP and system clock
time -range co mm and 25-15
time ranges in ACLs 25-15
timestam ps in log messa ges 23-7
time z ones 7-45
Token R in g VLAN s
support fo r 14-5
VTP support 15-4
toolbar 3-20
tool tips 3-26
Topolog y v iew
Collapse Cl us ter view 3-11
described 3-2, 3-10
device icon s 3-12, 3-14
device label s 3-13
display opti ons 3-15
Expand Cl uster view 3-11
icons 3-12
link icons 3-13
link labels 3-13
multilink icon 3-23
neighbo ring devi ce s 3-12
pop-up menus 3-22
TOS 1-6
fragmented 25-3
unfragmented 25-3
traffic policing 1-6
transparent mode, VTP 15-3, 15-12
trap-door mechanism 4-2
configuring MAC address notification 7-56
configuring managers 24-10
defined 24-3
enabling 7-56, 24-10
notification types 24-10
overview 24-1, 24-4
detecti ng unidirect ional links 19-1
displaying c rash in forma tion 28-15
GBIC security and identification 28-13
LRE por ts 28-12
statistics 28-1
CPE Ethernet links 28-4
LRE lin ks 28-4
ports 28-2
with Cisc oWorks 24-4
with de bug c om mand s 28-14
with system message logging 23-1
trunk por ts
configuring 14-18
defined 9-2
allowed-VLAN list 14-19
load sharing
setting STP path costs 14-23
using STP po rt prior ities 14-21, 14-22
native V LAN for un tagged traffi c 14-20
parallel 14-23
pruning -eligib le list 14-20
to non- DTP devi ce 14-15
understanding 14-15
trusted bou ndary 26-13
twisted- pair Ethe rnet, de tecting unidi rectio nal links 19-1


default configuration 19-3
echoi ng detect ion mech anism 19-2
globally 19-4
per interface 19-4
link-det ec tio n mec hani sm 19-1