Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 16 Configuring Voic e VLAN Configuring Voice VLAN

Overriding the CoS Priority of Incoming Data Frames

You can connect a PC or ot her data device to a Cisco 7960 IP Phone port. The PC c an genera te packets
with an assigned CoS value. You can configure the switch to override the priority of frames arriving on
the IP phone port from co nnected devices.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to override the CoS priority received from the
nonvoice port on the Ci sco 7960 IP Phone:
Use th e no swi tchport voice vlan interface configuration command or the switchport priority extend
none interface configuration command to return the port to its default setting.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter gl obal c on figuratio n mod e.
Step 2 interface interface-id Enter interface configuration mode, and specify the interface connected to
the IP phon e.
Step 3 switchport priority extend
cos value Set the IP phone acc ess p ort to overri de the p ri or ity r ece ived fr o m t he PC or
the attached device.
The CoS value is a number from 0 to 7. Seven is the highest priority. Th e
default is 0.
Step 4 end Retur n to privileged EXEC mode .
Step 5 show interfaces interface-id
switchport Verify yo ur entri es.
Step 6 copy running-config sta rtup-config (Optio nal) Save your entr ies in the configurat ion file.