Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 15 Configuring VTP Configuring VTP

VTP Ve rs ion

Follow these guidelines when deciding which VTP version to implement:
All switches in a VTP domain must run the same VTP version.
A VTP version 2-capable switch can operate in the same VTP domain as a switch running VTP
version 1 if version 2 is disab led o n the version 2 -cap able sw itch ( version 2 is disabl ed by defau lt).
Do not enable VTP version 2 on a switch unless all of the switches in the same VTP domain are
version-2-capable. When you enable version 2 on a switch, all of the version-2-capable switches in
the domain enable version 2. If there is a version 1-only switch, it does not exchange VTP
information with switches with version 2 enabled.
If there are TrBRF and TrCRF Token Rin g networks in y our e nvironment, y ou mu st en abl e V TP
version 2 for To ken R ing VL AN swi tch ing to fu nc tion pro per ly. To run Token Ri ng and Token
Ring-Net, disabl e V TP version 2.

Configuration Requirements

When you configure V TP, you must configure a trunk port so t hat the switch can send and receive VTP
advertisements. For more information, see the Configuring VLA N Trunks section on page 14-15.
If you are configuring VTP on a cluster member switch to a VLAN, use the rcommand privile ged EXEC
command to log into the member switch. For more information about the command, refer to the
comm an d ref e renc e for thi s rel eas e.
If you ar e co nfiguring ext ende d-ra nge VL ANs on t he sw it ch, the swi tch mu st be in VT P tra nsp aren t

Configuring a VTP Server

When a switch is in VTP server mode, you can change the VLAN configuration and have it propagated
through out the ne twork.
Note If exten ded -ran ge VLA Ns ar e co nfigured on t he sw it ch, yo u c anno t ch an ge VT P mo de to se rver. You
receive an er ror m essa ge, and th e c onfiguration i s not all owed.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the switch as a VTP server:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter g l obal c onfigura tion m od e.
Step 2 vtp mode server Configure the swi tch for VT P s erver m ode ( t he de fault) .
Step 3 vtp domain domain-name Configure t he V TP a dminist rative-domain n ame. The n ame can be f rom
1 t o 32 charac ters. All switches ope rating in VTP server or client mod e
under the same administrative responsibility must be configured with the
same dom ain name.