Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Adminis tering the Switch Creating a Banner
domain name is the value set by the ip do ma in- nam e g lo ba l c onfigurat ion c om mand. I f ther e is a
period (.) i n th e hostn am e, t he IO S so ftware look s u p th e IP ad dress w it ho ut a ppend ing any de fau lt
domain nam e to the hostna m e.
To remove a domain name, use the no ip domain-name name global configuration command. T o remove
a name s erver a ddr ess, use the no ip name-server server-address global configurati on comm and. To
disable D NS on the switch, use the no ip domain-lookup global configuration command.

Displaying the DNS Configuration

To display the DNS configuration information, use the show running-config privileged EX EC

Creating a Ba nner

You can configure a message-of-the-day (MOTD) and a login banner . The MO TD banner displays on all
connected terminals at login and is useful for sending messages that affect all network users (such as
impendin g system shutdowns).
The login ba nner a lso dis pl ays on al l c onnec t ed t erm in als. I t is d isplay ed aft er t h e MOTD banner an d
before the l og in p rompt s.
Note For comple te syntax an d usage infor mation for the commands us ed in this sectio n, refer t o the Cisco IOS
Configuration Fund am en tals Com mand Re ference for Rele ase 12.1.
This se ctio n c onta ins thi s configu ratio n inf or mat ion:
Default Banne r Configurat ion, page 7-5 1
Configuring a Message-of-the-Day Login Banner, page 7-52
Configuring a Login Banner, page 7-53

Default Banner Configuration

The MOTD and login ba nners are not configured .