Administration Commands
Specifies whether the registered application requires incoming messages to be converted from NMVT to MDS_MU format. When the application registers for NMVT messages, it specifies whether this conversion is required. Possible values are:
Incoming messages are converted to MDS_MU format.
Incoming messages are not converted to MDS_MU format.
2.151.3 Error Return Codes
If the command cannot be executed, SNAplus2 returns a primary return code to indicate the type of error and a secondary return code to provide specific details about the reason for unsuccessful execution.
Parameter Check
If the command does not execute because of a parameter error, SNAplus2 returns the following parameters:
Possible values are:
The list_options parameter was set to LIST_INCLUSIVE to list all entries starting from the supplied name, but the value specified in the application parameter was not valid.
State Check
No specific state errors, other than those listed in Appendix A, Common Return Codes from snapadmin Commands, occur for this command.
Other Conditions
Appendix A, Common Return Codes from snapadmin Commands, lists combinations of primary and secondary return codes that are common to all commands.
2.152 query_nn_topology_node
Each network node (NN) maintains a network topology database that holds information about all the net- work nodes, virtual routing nodes (VRNs), and network
This command must be issued to a running node. It can be used only if the SNAplus2 node is a network node and is not valid if it is an end node or LEN node.
2.152.1 Supplied Parameters
Parameter name | Type | Length | Default |