Administration Commands
The node name specified in the configuration file does not match the name of the SNAplus2 computer to which the command was issued.
The node name specified in the configuration file matches the name of the SNAplus2 computer, but the specified computer is a client (not a server) and cannot run the node.
The configuration of the node specifies that DLUR is supported, but the node is defined as a LEN node. DLUR cannot be supported on a LEN node.
State Check
If the command does not execute because of a state error, SNAplus2 returns the following parameters:
Possible values are:
The node name specified in the configuration file has already been started.
The node was not started because SNAplus2 detected one or more errors while attempting to load its configuration. Check the error log file for details about the errors.
The node was not started because there was a version mismatch between components of the SNAplus2 software. If you have upgraded your SNAplus2 license to include additional functions or users, check that you are using the correct version of the licensing software.
Other Conditions
Appendix A, Common Return Codes from snapadmin Commands, lists combinations of primary and secondary return codes that are common to all commands.
2.96 initialize_session_limit
The initialize_session_limit command initializes the session limits for a combination of local LU, partner LU, and mode. This command must be issued to a running node.
You must issue this command before you issue an activate_session command.
2.96.1 Supplied Parameters
Parameter name | Type | Length | Default |
[initialize_session_limit] |
| |
lu_name | character | 8 | (null string) |
lu_alias | character | 8 | (null string) |
plu_alias | character | 8 | (null string) |
fqplu_name | character | 17 | (null string) |
mode_name | character | 8 |