Administration Commands
2.160.3 Returned Parameters: Detailed Information
The following information is returned for all DLC types when you specify DETAIL for the list_options parameter.
Parameter name | Type | Length |
port_name | character | 8 |
port_state | constant |
dlc_type | constant |
port_sim_rim | constant |
def_ls_good_xids | decimal |
def_ls_bad_xids | decimal |
dyn_ls_good_xids | decimal |
dyn_ls_bad_xids | decimal |
num_implicit_links | decimal |
neg_ls_supp | constant |
abm_ls_supp | constant |
start_time | decimal |
description | character | 31 |
dlc_name | character | 8 |
port_type | constant |
port_number | decimal |
max_rcv_btu_size | decimal |
tot_link_act_lim | decimal |
inb_link_act_lim | decimal |
out_link_act_lim | decimal |
ls_role | constant |
implicit_dspu_services | constant |
implicit_dspu_template | character | 8 |
implicit_ls_limit | decimal |
implicit_link_lvl_error | constant |
implicit_uplink_to_en | constant |
act_xid_exchange_limit | decimal |
nonact_xid_exchange_limit | decimal |
ls_xmit_rcv_cap | constant |
max_ifrm_rcvd | decimal |
target_pacing_count | decimal |
max_send_btu_size | decimal |
implicit_cp_cp_sess_support | constant |
implicit_limited_resource | constant |
implicit_hpr_support | constant |
implicit_link_lvl_error | constant |
implicit_deact_timer | decimal |
effect_cap | decimal |
connect_cost | decimal |
byte_cost | decimal |
security | constant |
prop_delay | constant |
user_def_parm_1 | decimal |
user_def_parm_2 | decimal |
user_def_parm_3 | decimal |
initially_active | constant |
For SDLC, the following parameters are included. For more information about these parameters, see Section 2.52, define_sdlc_port.
address | hex number |
idle_timer | decimal |
idle_timer_retry | decimal |
np_rcv_timer | decimal |
np_rcv_timer_retry | decimal |
write_timer | decimal |