Administration Commands
No parameters are supplied for this command.
2.120.2 Returned Parameters
Parameter name | Type |
max_caches | decimal |
cur_caches | decimal |
cur_home_entries | decimal |
cur_reg_entries | decimal |
cur_directory_entries | decimal |
cache_hits | decimal |
cache_misses | decimal |
in_locates | decimal |
in_bcast_locates | decimal |
out_locates | decimal |
out_bcast_locates | decimal |
not_found_locates | decimal |
not_found_bcast_locates | decimal |
locates_outstanding | decimal |
If the command executes successfully, the following parameters are returned:
For a network node, the maximum number of cache entries allowed.
For a network node, the current number of cache entries.
Current number of home entries.
Current number of registered entries.
Total number of entries currently in the directory.
For a network node, the number of successful cache finds. The count is increased every time a resource is found in the local directory cache.
For a network node, the number of times a resource has been found by a broadcast search. The count is increased every time a resource is not found in the local directory cache but is then found using a broadcast search.
The two counts cache_hits and cache_misses are maintained such that the size of the directory cache (specified on define_node) can be tuned. An increasing cache_misses over time indicates that the directory cache size is too small. A regularly increasing cache_hits with a steady cache_misses indicates that the cache is about the right size.
Number of directed locates received.