Appendix ACommon Return Codes from snapadmin Commands
A.5 System Error
If the command does not execute because of a system error, SNAplus2 returns the following parameters:
An operating system call failed while the command was being processed.
In this case, the secondary return code is the return code from the operating system call. For the meaning of this return code, check the returned value in the errno.h file on the computer where the error occurred.
If the command was issued to change the target configuration (such as define_* or delete_*), or to perform an action (such as start_*), issue the appropriate query_* command to determine whether the change or action was successful. If this error occurs while processing a define_* or delete_* command containing subrecords (such as define_emulator_user), the change may be incomplete(for example, some but not all of the user’s sessions may have been defined).