Administration Commands
Parameter Check
If the command does not execute because of a parameter error, SNAplus2 returns the following parameters:
Possible values are:
The cp_name parameter contained a character that was not valid.
One or more of the specified LU names contained a character that was not valid.
The wildcard_lus parameter was set to YES, but one or more of the specified LU names was already defined on a different parent node.
State Check
If the command does not execute because of a state error, SNAplus2 returns the following parameters:
Possible values are:
The CP name specified by the cp_name parameter was already defined in a directory entry and is not a LEN node.
One or more of the LU names specified by the lu_name parameter were already defined on a different parent node.
Other Conditions
Appendix A, Common Return Codes from snapadmin Commands, lists combinations of primary and secondary return codes that are common to all commands.
2.11 define_cn
The define_cn command defines a connection network (also known as a virtual routing node or VRN). The command provides the network qualified name of the connection network along with its Transmission Group (TG) characteristics. Also provided is a list of the names of the local ports that can access this connection network.
This command can also be used to add new ports to an existing connection network. (Ports can be removed from an existing connection network by issuing delete_cn.)
This command is valid only at a network node or an end node, and not at a LEN node.
2.11.1 Supplied Parameters
Parameter name | Type | Length | Default |