Administration Commands
The list_options parameter was set to LIST_INCLUSIVE to list all entries starting from the supplied name, but the value specified in the pu_name parameter was not valid.
State Check
If the command does not execute because of a state error, SNAplus2 returns the following parameters:
The PU specified by the pu_name parameter is a remote PU and not a local PU.
Other Conditions
Appendix A, Common Return Codes from snapadmin Commands, lists additional combinations of primary and secondary return codes that are common to all commands.
2.162 query_rcf_access
The query_rcf_access command returns information about the permitted access to the SNAplus2 Remote Command Facility (RCF): the user ID used to run UNIX Command Facility (UCF) commands, and the restrictions under which administration commands can be issued using the Service Point Command Facility (SPCF). This information was previously defined using define_rcf_access. For more information about SPCF and UCF, refer to the
Because RCF access parameters are defined as domain resources, this command is not associated with a particular node.
2.162.1 Supplied Parameters
No parameters are supplied for this command.
2.162.2 Returned Parameters
Parameter name | Type | Length |
ucf_username | character | 31 |
spcf_permissions | constant |
If the command executes successfully, SNAplus2 returns the following parameters:
Specifies the
If this parameter is not set, UCF access is denied.
Specifies the types of SNAplus2 administration commands that can be accessed using SPCF. To prevent access to SPCF, set this parameter to NONE. To allow access to SPCF, set this parameter to one or more of the following values (combined using a + character):