1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
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Summary: This procedure defines the steps required to retrieve Network Data Collection (NDC) statistics from the NMIC. The NDC counts may be used to monitor individual connection traffic through the Cellworx system. The user should have accessed the NMIC and launched the GUI before attempting this procedure.
1.To access the NDC counts, from the main GUI screen access the Subnetwork Connection Filter window using one of the following methods:
a.Using the left mouse button, select Configuration, Connection, and View. Refer to Figure
b.Using the direct selection keys, enter Alt+C, Alt+N then Alt+V.
c.Using the right mouse button, position the cursor over the NE, click and hold the button, select View Connections, and release the button.
d.Using the left mouse button, select the connection icon above the workspace.
2.The Cellworx Vision Subnetwork Connections window appears, similar to the example shown in Figure
3.The Subnetwork Connections screen appears similar to the one shown in Figure
4.Select the View button near the top of the window to open the drop down menu. Select either the NDC Current or NDC Historical option.
5.After selecting the NDC Historical, the Select Interval window appears. Refer to Figure
6.The system retrieves the data and displays it on the Network Data Collection Statistics window. Refer to Figure
Stop! You have completed this procedure.
2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.