1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operations and Maintenance
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download status for the cards. All cards should say, "Loaded". If not, wait a few more minutes and click Refresh again.
55.Once all cards are loaded with the release 3.0 bootrom, each card in the shelf must be hard reset to load the new bootrom.
Note: Hard resetting a card is traffic affecting. When you upgrade the flash bootrom on each card, you may want to take this into consideration. To minimize traffic loss, you should consider using 1+1 or 1:N protection and resetting the cards such that a card is always active. This will take longer, but you will avoid traffic loss.
56.Repeat steps 46 through 49 for each NE in the ring.
57.Following hard reset of all cards in all NEs in the ring, software upgrade is complete.
58.Following software upgrade, the user should manually delete the AIC flash image that was installed previously. This will remove the possibility of inadvertently selecting this image in a Release 3.0 system:
rm –f /cellworx/flashImage/aic/bootrom_Ver2/bootrom.
Stop! You have completed this procedure.
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Figure 780-1. GUI Main Screen (example)
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