1152700 • Issue 1 • February 2001 • Section 2 Operation and Maintenance
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11. Change directory to where the archives are kept.
•ftp> cd /tmp
13.Retrieve the archives using the multiple get command as follows:
•ftp> mget *.tar.gz
14.Delete the files on the NMIC once the FTP process is complete. Each file must be deleted individually so one command will be issued per file using the following commands:
•ftp> delete perf_050500.tar.gz
•ftp> delete alarm_050500.tar.gz
•ftp> delete account_050500.tar.gz
15.End your FTP session by typing the following command.
•ftp> quit
16.On your local host you should have the files: perf_050500.tar.gz, account_050500.tar.gz, and alarm_050500.tar.gz.
Stop! You have completed this procedure.
2000, ADC Telecommunications, Inc.