NEC NDA-24298 manual Afrsn Assignment of Flexible Route Selection Data for NDM

Models: NDA-24298

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AFRSN : Assignment of Flexible Route Selection Data for NDM

AFRSN: Assignment of Flexible Route Selection Data for NDM


This command assigns the area and/or office code data for the OPR assigned by the AOPRN command. The data assigned by this command is written in the Network Data Memory (NDM) of the Network Control Node (NCN), updating the NDM at each Local Node (LN).


1.The applicable Tenant Number (TN) range is designated by the ASYDN command, SYS1, INDEX8. If data of this command is common for all tenants (ASYDN command, SYS1, INDEX800, bit4=1), assign TN parameter as data “1” for all tenants.

2.After an Outgoing Route Selection Pattern Number (OPR) has been assigned in this command, it is necessary to assign the LCR routing pattern/six (6) digits routing pattern by the AOPRN/ASDCN command respectively.

3.It should be noted that the access code may or may not be included in the Number Pattern Code (NPC) depending upon the assignment of AC parameter by the ARTDN command. If zero (0) is assigned, the access code is not included. If one (1) is assigned, the access code must be included.

4.Assign the dummy route number in the LGRT parameter.

5.When assigning such a number as shown below to parameter “NPC”, enter “T” code to the end digit of “NPC.”


When assigning 90 and 900 to NPC:


Input Number for NPC









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NEC NDA-24298 manual Afrsn Assignment of Flexible Route Selection Data for NDM