NEC NDA-24298 manual Assigning System Data

Models: NDA-24298

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6.2.5Assigning System Data

This section explains how to assign the IP Address and the SubNet Mask using the default IP Address and the default SubNet Mask Both fields must be entered using their hexadecimal equivalents.

Note: You may find it convenient to use the Calculator in the Windows Accessories to find the hexadecimal equivalent of the IP Address and the SubNet Mask.To convert from decimal to hexadecimal:

1.Select Calculator from the Accessories menu.

2.From the View menu, select Scientific.

3.Verify that Dec is selected.

4.Click the first three numbers of the IP Address on the Calculator key pad.

5.Select Hex.

6.The hexadecimal equivalent of the first three numbers of the IP Address display.

7.To perform additional decimal to hexadecimal conversions, make sure that Dec is selected and repeat the previous steps.

1.Type ASYDL in the Run Command text box.

2.Press Enter.

3.Type 1 in the SYS text box and press Enter.

4.Type 513 in the INDEX text box and press Enter.

5.Type 01H in the DATA text box and press Enter.

6.Type Y in the WRT? text box and press Enter.

7.Type 1 in the SYS text box and press Enter.

8.Type 514 in the INDEX text box and press Enter.

9.Type 01H in the DATA text box and press Enter.

10.Type Y in the WRT? text box and press Enter.

Note: The following steps explain how to assign the default IP Address.

11.Type 1 in the SYS text box and press Enter.

12.Type 515 in the INDEX text box and press Enter.

13.Type AC (hexadecimal equivalent of 172) in the DATA text box and press Enter.

14.Type Y in the WRT? text box and press Enter.

15.Type 1 in the SYS text box and press Enter.


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NEC NDA-24298 manual Assigning System Data