NEC NDA-24298 manual Priority Displayed Data Description Order

Models: NDA-24298

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ADSL : Assignment of Dterm Soft Key on LCD

5.After system initialization is performed, the soft key cannot be used for a minute.

6.When the soft key data is set on a system basis, SKP = 0 is assigned by this command.

7.The priority order for displaying the data in the function key area (the third line or the lowest line) is as follows.


Displayed Data












Services set to the func-

The application service that is set to the function key


tion key data












Services set to the func-

Only when the station is idle/originating and the service set to the function key


tion key data












Soft key assigned via

When the soft key data is in the middle of being set via the function key (FKY=122)


function key













Soft key data used on a

The soft key data assigned via the ADSL (SKP=0) and ADKS command.



station basis













Soft key used on a system

The soft key data is assigned via the ADSL (SKP=0).















Default soft key data by

Default soft key data (a) or (b) data shown above is not programmed.



ROM data










8.The LCD display is not changed for a minute, after if the soft key data is assigned to all stations in a system using this command or the characters for the LCD display are changed using the AFDD command.

9.When the soft key data is programmed for the busy station, the LCD display does not change until the station becomes idle.

10.The same function data (FKY) can not be assigned to both soft key and function key.

11.The created soft key pattern, which is assigned at SKP=0, is applied to a Dterm Series E by designating the

programmed SKP number in ADKS. As for the key pattern data in SKP=0, ADKS is not necessary. If SKP=0 is designated in ADKS, default key pattern data (refer to Table 4-12) is applied to the Dterm.


Page 467

Issue 1

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Image 501
NEC NDA-24298 manual Priority Displayed Data Description Order