NEC NDA-24298 List-up Command Report Data Tables, Command Log Files, Viewing the Log Data File

Models: NDA-24298

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ASSIGNMENT Command Report Data Tables

These data files are tables assembled into an MS-Access Database format. The List-up commands create the database and tables, populating them based on the information specified by the user. After the database and tables are created, the report that automatically finds the correct data table and presents the stored data in a format suitable for viewing is launched. These data tables are cleared and repopulated each time the corresponding List-up command is run. These data tables require no user intervention. Log Files

These files are simple text files that capture the results of the operations performed by every IPX MAT command. These log files are functionally equivalent to the printed output log created by the old MS- DOS MAT. The only difference is that these text files can easily be viewed from within any IPX MAT command at any time so it is not necessary to have a printer available. These log files are also easy to print if a printer is available.

The log file maintains a history trail of operations and actions requested by the user. This log file continues to grow as each command is run and interactions with the IPX PBX are transacted. It doesn’t matter whether the operation is a query, a change, a create, or a delete, the operation, its data, and its status will always be logged (added to this log file).

The log file can be viewed any time by selecting it from the command’s view menu selection. Once the log file viewing window is opened, the log file can be printed by selecting the print option from its File menu selection. Pressing the CTRL+END key combination will quickly take you to the end of the file where the latest changes have been appended.

Since the log file continually grows, you should regularly delete this file to conserve disk space. It also makes the file much more manageable and useful if it is not full of log entries that are no longer of interest. To delete and otherwise manage this file, the IPX MAT main menu contains menu selections that will present a log file maintenance dialog. From here, the log file can be easily deleted. the Log Data File

To view the log data file:

1.Display the Backup and Restore dialog box.

2.Select Operation Log from the View menu.

3.The log file FileViewer window displays.


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NEC NDA-24298 manual List-up Command Report Data Tables, Command Log Files, Viewing the Log Data File