NEC NDA-24298 manual Assignment

Models: NDA-24298

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16.Type 516 in the INDEX text box and press Enter.

17.Type 10 (hexadecimal equivalent of 16) in the DATA text box and press Enter.

18.Type Y in the WRT? text box and press Enter.

19.Type 1 in the SYS text box and press Enter.

20.Type 517 in the INDEX text box and press Enter.

21.Type FD (hexadecimal equivalent of 253) in the DATA text box and press Enter.

22.Type Y in the WRT? text box and press Enter.

23.Type 1 in the SYS text box and press Enter.

24.Type 518 in the INDEX text box and press Enter.

25.Type 0 (hexadecimal equivalent of 0) in the DATA text box and press Enter.

26.Type Y in the WRT? text box and press Enter.

Note: The following steps explain how to assign the default SubNet Mask.

27.Type 1 in the SYS text box and press Enter.

28.Type 519 in the INDEX text box and press Enter.

29.Type FF in the DATA text box and press Enter.

30.Type Y in the WRT? text box and press Enter.

31.Type 1 in the SYS text box and press Enter.

32.Type 520 in the INDEX text box and press Enter.

33.Type FF in the DATA text box and press Enter.

34.Type Y in the WRT? text box and press Enter.

35.Type 1 in the SYS text box and press Enter.

36.Type 521 in the INDEX text box and press Enter.

37.Type 00 in the DATA text box and press Enter.

38.Type Y in the WRT? text box and press Enter.

39.Type 1 in the SYS text box and press Enter.

40.Type 522 in the INDEX text box and press Enter.

41.Type 00 in the DATA text box and press Enter.

42.Type Y in the WRT? text box and press Enter.



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Issue 1

Page 58
Image 58
NEC NDA-24298 manual Assignment