NEC NDA-24298 manual PC Specifications, PC Requirements to Run IPX MAT, CPU Type

Models: NDA-24298

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This chapter describes the information needed to install and operate the Maintenance Administration Terminal (MAT) software.

The IPX MAT software has the following functions:

Allows user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) with Microsoft Windows 95/NT.

Provides both an Ethernet interface and a RS232C interface.

Allows access to a node within the Fusion Link network using a simple Login operation,

Supports remote maintenance capabilities through a dialup connection.

Dumps the PBX data into a data file using of the LIST UP command.

Note: The recorded log file is a simple text file that can be printed or edited using any Windows application that supports text file editing.

Since the IPX MAT runs on Microsoft’s 32 bit Windows plug-and-play operating system, peripheral hardware (network, remote access, modems, printers, etc.) is easy to configure. IPX MAT does not require a dedicated printer. Any printer supported by the operating system, including shared LAN printers, can be used.

2.Getting Started-Hardware

The IPX MAT PC should conform to the specifications explained in this section. The cables, modems, and HUBs required depend on the connection type.

The IPX MAT allows you to access IPX using the following connection types:




2.1PC Specifications

The IPX MAT software requires a PC with the following minimum specifications:


Table 2-1 PC Requirements to Run IPX MAT






Pentium 166 or higher






32 MB or more for WIN 95 and NT




Hard Disk


500 MB of free space




Video Card and Monitor

Any Microsoft Windows compatible video card

(256 colors or more, screen size 800 X 600 resolution







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NEC NDA-24298 manual PC Specifications, PC Requirements to Run IPX MAT, CPU Type