NEC NDA-24298 manual Asyd Assignment of System Data

Models: NDA-24298

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ASYD : Assignment of System Data

ASYD: Assignment of System Data


The ASYD/ASYDL command assigns the system data for the following node:

Local Node (L/N)/Network Control Node (NCN) of the Fusion network.

Stand-alone PBX


1.The ASYD command contains the following indexes: SYS 1, INDEX 0-511

SYS 2, INDEX 0-15 SYS 3, INDEX 0-31

2.The ASYDL command contains the following indexes: SYS 1, INDEX 512-1535

SYS 2, INDEX 16-79 (Not used)

3.For detailed information, see the NEAX2400 IPX Fusion Network System Manual.



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Issue 1

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NEC NDA-24298 manual Asyd Assignment of System Data