NEC NDA-24298 Artd Assignment of Route Class Data, This command assigns the Route Class Data

Models: NDA-24298

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ARTD : Assignment of Route Class Data

ARTD: Assignment of Route Class Data


This command assigns the Route Class Data.


1.The ARTD command should be assigned for all external trunk routes and the dummy route for LCR/ LCRS.

2.The applicable number of the external trunk route is designated by the ASYD command, SYS1, INDEX65.

3.The standard route class data is shown in the example. (which is listed after the parameter descriptions)

4.Parameters TCMN through MT are effective only when 4 (MF) is assigned to parameter ONSG or INSG. For all other trunk routes, assign “0” to all of these data.

3.Data Entry Instructions

See data sheet in Section 4.



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NEC NDA-24298 manual Artd Assignment of Route Class Data, This command assigns the Route Class Data