3Commands by Subsystem


(see page 530)

Command Syntax :CHANnel<n>:SCALe <scale>[<suffix>]

<scale> ::= vertical units per division in NR3 format <suffix> ::= {V mV}

<n> ::= {1 2 3 4} for the four channel oscilloscope models <n> ::= {1 2} for the two channel oscilloscope models

The :CHANnel<n>:SCALe command sets the vertical scale, or units per division, of the selected channel. When using 1:1 probe attenuation, legal values for the scale range from:

2 mV to 5 V.

If the probe attenuation is changed, the scale value is multiplied by the probe's attenuation factor.

Query Syntax :CHANnel<n>:SCALe?

The :CHANnel<n>:SCALe? query returns the current scale setting for the specified channel.

Return Format <scale value><NL>

<scale value> ::= vertical units per division in NR3 format

See Also "Introduction to :CHANnel<n> Commands" on page 143

":CHANnel<n>:RANGe" on page 157

":CHANnel<n>:PROBe" on page 152


Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference

Page 158
Image 158
Agilent Technologies 5000 Series manual CHANnelnSCALe