3Commands by Subsystem


(see page 530)

Command Syntax :MEASure:SOURce <source1>[,<source2>] <source1>,<source2> ::= {CHANnel<n> FUNCtion MATH}

<n> ::= {1 2 3 4} for the four channel oscilloscope models <n> ::= {1 2} for the two channel oscilloscope models

Query Syntax


The :MEASure:SOURce command sets the default sources for measurements. The specified sources are used as the sources for the MEASure subsystem commands if the sources are not explicitly set with the command. If a source is specified for any measurement, the current source is changed to this new value. If :MARKer:MODE is set to OFF or MANual, setting :MEASure:SOURce to CHANnel<n>, FUNCtion, or MATH will also set :MARKer:X1Y1source to source1 and :MARKer:X2Y2source to source2.


The :MEASure:SOURce? query returns the current source selections. If source2 is not specified, the query returns "NONE" for source2. If all channels are off, the query returns "NONE,NONE". Source2 only applies to :MEASure:DELay and :MEASure:PHASe measurements.

MATH is an alias for FUNCtion. The query will return FUNC if the source is FUNCtion or MATH.

Return Format



<source1>,<source2> ::= {CHAN<n> FUNC NONE}

See Also:

"Introduction to :MEASure Commands" on page 218


":MARKer:MODE" on page 205


":MARKer:X1Y1source" on page 207


":MARKer:X2Y2source" on page 209


":MEASure:DELay" on page 225


":MEASure:PHASe" on page 234

Example Code

' MEASURE - The commands in the MEASURE subsystem are used to make


' measurements on displayed waveforms.


myScope.WriteString ":MEASURE:SOURCE CHANNEL1" ' Source to measure.


myScope.WriteString ":MEASURE:FREQUENCY?" ' Query for frequency.


varQueryResult = myScope.ReadNumber ' Read frequency.


MsgBox "Frequency:" + vbCrLf _


+ FormatNumber(varQueryResult / 1000, 4) + " kHz"


myScope.WriteString ":MEASURE:DUTYCYCLE?" ' Query for duty cycle.


Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference

Page 240
Image 240
Agilent Technologies 5000 Series manual MEASureSOURce, MARKerMODE on