Commands by Subsystem 3
Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference 295


(see page 530)
Command Syntax :SYSTem:DATE <date>
<date> ::= <year>,<month>,<day>
<year> ::= 4-digit year in NR1 format
<month> ::= {1,..,12 | JANuary | FEBruary | MARch | APRil | MAY | JUNe
| JULy | AUGust | SEPtember | OCTober | NOVember | DECember}
<day> ::= {1,..,31}
The :SYSTem:DATE command sets the date. Validity checking is performed
to ensure that the date is valid.
Query Syntax :SYSTem:DATE?
The SYSTem:DATE? query returns the date.
Return Format <year>,<month>,<day><NL>
See Also "Introduction to :SYSTem Commands" on page 294
":SYSTem:TIME" on page 301