:WAVeform:SOURce 420 :WAVeform:SOURce:SUBSource 424 :WAVeform:TYPE 425 :WAVeform:UNSigned 426 :WAVeform:VIEW 427 :WAVeform:XINCrement 428 :WAVeform:XORigin 429 :WAVeform:XREFerence 430 :WAVeform:YINCrement 431 :WAVeform:YORigin 432 :WAVeform:YREFerence 433

4Commands A-Z

5Obsolete and Discontinued Commands

:CHANnel:LABel 462 :CHANnel2:SKEW 463 :CHANnel<n>:INPut 464 :CHANnel<n>:PMODe 465 :DISPlay:CONNect 466 :ERASe 467 :EXTernal:INPut 468 :EXTernal:PMODe 469 :FUNCtion:VIEW 470 :HARDcopy:DESTination 471 :HARDcopy:DEVice 472 :HARDcopy:FILename 473 :HARDcopy:FORMat 474 :HARDcopy:GRAYscale 475 :HARDcopy:IGColors 476 :HARDcopy:PDRiver 477 :MEASure:LOWer 478 :MEASure:SCRatch 479 :MEASure:TDELta 480 :MEASure:THResholds 481 :MEASure:TMAX 482 :MEASure:TMIN 483 :MEASure:TSTArt 484 :MEASure:TSTOp 485 :MEASure:TVOLt 486 :MEASure:UPPer 488 :MEASure:VDELta 489

Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference


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Image 13
Agilent Technologies 5000 Series manual Commands A-Z Obsolete and Dis Commands