clear message queue, 65 clear screen, 467
clear status, 65
clear waveform area, 161
clipped high waveform data value, 410 clipped low waveform data value, 410 clock, 359, 373, 374, 378
CLOCk commands, 437 CLS (Clear Status), 65
CME (Command Error) status bit, 67, 69 code, *RST, 77
code, :ACQuire:COMPlete, 126 code, :ACQuire:TYPE, 133 code, :AUToscale, 91
code, :CHANnel:LABel, 150 code, :CHANnel:PROBe, 152 code, :CHANnel:RANGe, 157 code, :DIGitize, 96
code, :DISPlay:DATA, 165 code, :DISPlay:LABel, 166 code, :MEASure:PERiod, 240 code, :MEASure:TEDGe, 243 code, :RUN/:STOP, 116 code, :SYSTem:SETup, 299 code, :TIMebase:DELay, 494 code, :TIMebase:MODE, 304 code, :TIMebase:RANGe, 306 code, :TIMebase:REFerence, 307 code, :TRIGger:MODE, 319 code, :TRIGger:SLOPe, 345 code, :TRIGger:SOURce, 346 code, :VIEW and :BLANk, 122 code, :WAVeform, 420
code, :WAVeform:DATA, 410 code, :WAVeform:POINts, 414 code, :WAVeform:PREamble, 418 code, SICL library example in C, 550 code, VISA COM library example in Visual
Basic, 578
code, VISA library example in C, 559
code, VISA library example in Visual Basic, 568 colon, root commands prefixed by, 88
color palette for hardcopy, 200 color palette for image, 270
Comma Separated Values (CSV) hardcopy format, 474
Comma Separated Values (CSV) waveform data format, 274
command classifications, 530
command errors detected in Standard Event Status, 69
command header, 532
command headers, common, 534 command headers, compound, 533 command headers, simple, 533 command strings, valid, 531 command tree, 535
commands by subsystem, 59 commands in alphabetical order, 435 commands quick reference, 23 commands sent over interface, 63 commands, more about, 529
commands, obsolete and discontinued, 457 common (*) commands, 60, 61, 63 common command headers, 534 completion criteria for an acquisition, 126, 127 compound command headers, 533 compound header, 545
computer control example, 550, 559, 568, 578 conditions for external trigger, 171 conditions, reset, 75
configurations, oscilloscope, 71, 74, 78, 299 connect sampled data points, 466 constants for making automatic
measurements, 152
constants for scaling display factors, 152 constants for setting trigger levels, 152 copy display, 115
core commands, 530 count, 409
COUNt commands, 438 count values, 127 counter, 221 coupling, 342 COUPling commands, 438 coupling for channels, 146
CSV (Comma Separated Values) hardcopy format, 474
CSV (Comma Separated Values) waveform data format, 274
current oscilloscope configuration, 71, 74, 78, 299
current probe, 159, 180 cursor mode, 205
cursor position, 206, 208, 210, 211, 213 cursor readout, 480, 484, 485
cursor reset conditions, 75 cursor source, 207, 209 cursor time, 480, 484, 485 cursors track measurements, 239 cursors, how autoscale affects, 90 cursors, X1, X2, Y1, Y2, 204 cycle measured, 227
cycle time, 233
data, 326, 357, 360, 376, 379, 410 data 2, 358
DATA commands, 438 data conversion, 403 data displayed, 164
data format for transfer, 403 data output order, 408 data pattern length, 327 data pattern width, 377 data point index, 430
data points, 130
data required to fill time buckets, 126 data structures, status reporting, 509 data transfer, 164
data, erasing, 95
data, saving and recalling, 161 DATE commands, 438
date, calibration, 135 date, system, 295
dB versus frequency, 182
DC coupling for edge trigger, 342
DC input coupling for specified channel, 146 dc RMS measured on waveform, 252
DDE (Device Dependent Error) status bit, 67, 69
decision chart, status reporting, 527 default conditions, 75
define channel labels, 150 define glitch trigger, 352 define measurement, 223 define measurement source, 240
define trigger, 321, 336, 337, 338, 340, 353 defined as, 56
delay measured to calculate phase, 234 delay measurement, 223
delay measurements, 242
delay parameters for measurement, 225 delay, how autoscale affects, 90 delayed time base, 304, 494
delayed time base mode, how autoscale affects, 90
delayed window horizontal scale, 312 delta time, 480
delta voltage measurement, 489 delta X cursor, 204
delta Y cursor, 204 DeskJet, 472 destination, 169
detecting probe types, 465, 469 device for hardcopy, 472
digital channel data, 403 digital channel labels, 167 digital pod, stop displaying, 94 digitize channels, 96
digits, 57
DISPlay commands, 161, 439 display commands introduction, 161 display connect, 466
display data, 164 display date, 295
display factors scaling, 152 display for channels, 147 display frequency span, 191 display measurements, 218, 239 display persistence, 168
590 | Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference |