3Commands by Subsystem


(see page 530)

Command Syntax :TRIGger:DURation:PATTern <value>, <mask> <value> ::= integer or <string>

<mask> ::= integer or <string>

<string> ::= "0xnnnnnn"; n ::= {0,..,9 A,..,F}

The :TRIGger:DURation:PATTern command defines the specified duration pattern resource according to the value and the mask. For both <value> and <mask>, each bit corresponds to a possible trigger channel. The bit assignments vary by instrument:

Oscilloscope Models

Value and Mask Bit Assignments



4 analog channels

Bits 0 through 3 - analog channels 1 through 4.


Bit 4 - external trigger.



2 analog channels

Bits 0 and 1 - analog channels 1 and 2. Bit 4 -


external trigger.



Set a <value> bit to "0" to set the pattern for the corresponding channel to low. Set a <value> bit to "1" to set the pattern to high.

Set a <mask> bit to "0" to ignore the data for the corresponding channel. Only channels with a "1" set on the appropriate mask bit are used.

Query Syntax :TRIGger:DURation:PATTern?

The :TRIGger:DURation:PATTern? query returns the pattern value.

Return Format <value>, <mask><NL>

<value> ::= a 32-bit integer in NR1 format.

<mask> ::= a 32-bit integer in NR1 format.

See Also "Introduction to :TRIGger Commands" on page 313

":TRIGger:PATTern" on page 321


Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference

Page 338
Image 338
Agilent Technologies 5000 Series manual TRIGgerDURationPATTern? query returns the pattern value