Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes

Programmer's Reference


Commands by Subsystem





"Common (*) Commands" on page 61

Commands defined by IEEE 488.2 standard that


are common to all instruments.



"Root (:) Commands" on page 86

Control many of the basic functions of the


oscilloscope and reside at the root level of the


command tree.



":ACQuire Commands" on page 123

Set the parameters for acquiring and storing





":CALibrate Commands" on page 134

Utility commands for determining the state of


the calibration factor protection switch.



":CHANnel<n> Commands" on page 142

Control all oscilloscope functions associated


with individual analog channels or groups of





":DISPlay Commands" on page 161

Control how waveforms, graticule, and text are


displayed and written on the screen.



":EXTernal Trigger Commands" on page 171

Control the input characteristics of the external


trigger input.



":FUNCtion Commands" on page 181

Control functions in the measurement/storage





":HARDcopy Commands" on page 193

Set and query the selection of hardcopy device


and formatting options.



":MARKer Commands" on page 203

Set and query the settings of X-axis markers


(X1 and X2 cursors) and the Y-axis markers (Y1


and Y2 cursors).



":MEASure Commands" on page 214

Select automatic measurements to be made


and control time markers.



":RECall Commands" on page 257

Recall previously saved oscilloscope setups


and traces.



":SAVE Commands" on page 262

Save oscilloscope setups and traces, screen


images, and data.



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Agilent Technologies 5000 Series manual Commands by Subsystem