Commands by Subsystem 3


(see page 530)

Command Syntax :MEASure:COUNter [<source>] <source> ::= CHANnel<n>

<n> ::= {1 2 3 4} for the four channel oscilloscope models <n> ::= {1 2} for the two channel oscilloscope models



The :MEASure:COUNter command installs a screen measurement and



starts a counter measurement. If the optional source parameter is



specified, the current source is modified. Any channel except Math may be



selected for the source.



The counter measurement counts trigger level crossings at the selected



trigger slope and displays the results in Hz. The gate time for the



measurement is automatically adjusted to be 100 ms or twice the current



time window, whichever is longer, up to 1 second. The counter



measurement can measure frequencies up to 125 MHz. The minimum



frequency supported is 1/(2 X gate time).



The Y cursor shows the the edge threshold level used in the measurement.



Only one counter measurement may be displayed at a time.



This command is not available if the source is MATH.







Query Syntax

:MEASure:COUNter? [<source>]



The :MEASure:COUNter? query measures and outputs the counter



frequency of the specified source.



The :MEASure:COUNter? query times out if the counter measurement is installed on the




front panel. Use :MEASure:CLEar to remove the front-panel measurement before executing





the :MEASure:COUNter? query.



Return Format




<source> ::= count in Hertz in NR3 format

See Also

"Introduction to :MEASure Commands" on page 218



":MEASure:SOURce" on page 240



":MEASure:FREQuency" on page 229



":MEASure:CLEar" on page 220

Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference


Page 221
Image 221
Agilent Technologies 5000 Series manual MEASureCOUNter, This command is not available if the source is Math