9Programming Examples
VISA Example in Visual Basic
'Agilent VISA Example in Visual Basic
'This program illustrates most of the
'features of your Agilent oscilloscope.
' |
| |
Option Explicit |
Public err As Long | ' Error returned by VISA | function calls. | |||
Public drm As Long | ' | Session | to | Default Resource Manager. | |
Public vi As Long | ' | Session | to | instrument. |
'Declare variables to hold numeric values returned by
Public dblQueryResult As Double
Public Const DblArraySize = 20
Public Const ByteArraySize = 5000000
Public retCount As Long
Public dblArray(DblArraySize) As Double
Public byteArray(ByteArraySize) As Byte
Public paramsArray(2) As Long
'Declare fixed length string variable to hold string value returned
'by viVScanf/viVQueryf.
Public strQueryResult As String * 200
'This example shows the fundamental parts of a program (initialize,
'capture, analyze).
'The commands sent to the oscilloscope are written in both long and
'short form. Both forms are acceptable.
'The input signal is the probe compensation signal from the front
'panel of the oscilloscope connected to channel 1.
'If you are using a different signal or different channels, these
'commands may not work as explained in the comments.
Sub Main()
'Open the default resource manager session. err = viOpenDefaultRM(drm)
'Open the session to the resource.
'The "GPIB0" parameter is the VISA Interface name to
'an GPIB instrument as defined in:
'Change this name to whatever you have defined for your
568 | Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference |