glitch trigger duration, 348 glitch trigger polarity, 351 glitch trigger source, 348 graphics, 164
graticule area for hardcopy print, 195 graticule area for saved image, 266 graticule colors, invert for hardcopy, 199, 476 graticule colors, invert for image, 269 graticule data, 164
grayscale palette for hardcopy, 200 grayscale palette for image, 270 grayscaling on hardcopy, 475 greater than qualifier, 352
greater than time, 336, 340, 348, 353 GREaterthan commands, 441
HANNing window for frequency resolution, 192
hardcopy, 115, 193 HARDcopy commands, 193 hardcopy device, 472 hardcopy factors, 197, 267 hardcopy filename, 473 hardcopy format, 471, 474 hardcopy formfeed, 198 hardcopy grayscale, 475
hardcopy invert graticule colors, 199, 476 hardcopy palette, 200
hardcopy print, area, 195 hardcopy printer driver, 477 hardware event condition register, 100 Hardware Event Condition Register
(:HWERegister:CONDition), 100 Hardware Event Condition Register
(:OPERegister:CONDition), 525 Hardware Event Enable Register
(HWEenable), 98
hardware event event register, 102 Hardware Event Event Register
(:HWERegister[:EVENt]), 102, 524 header, 532
holes in waveform data, 410
horizontal adjustment, fine (vernier), 309 horizontal position, 310
horizontal scale, 308, 312 horizontal scaling, 417 horizontal time, 306, 311, 480 HWEenable (Hardware Event Enable
Register), 98 HWERegister:CONDition (Hardware Event
Condition Register), 100, 525 HWERegister[:EVENt] (Hardware Event Event
Register), 102, 524
I1080L50HZ, 382, 386
I1080L60HZ, 382, 386 ID commands, 441
id mode, 329 identification number, 70 identification of options, 73 identifier, 328
identifier, LIN, 365
idle until operation complete, 72 IDN (Identification Number), 70 IEEE 488.2 standard, 63 IGColors commands, 441
IIC address, 356 IIC clock, 359
IIC commands, 441 IIC data, 357, 360 IIC data 2, 358
IIC serial decode address field size, 284 IIC trigger commands, 355
IIC trigger qualifier, 361 IIC trigger type, 362 IMAGe commands, 441 image format, 268
image invert graticule colors, 269 image memory, 119, 169 image palette, 270
image, recall, 259 image, save, 265
image, save with inksaver, 269 impedance, 148 IMPedance commands, 442
impedance for external trigger input, 174, 468 infinity representation, 547
initialize, 75
initialize label list, 167 initiate acquisition, 96 inksaver, save image with, 269 input, 174, 468
input coupling for channels, 146
input impedance for channels, 148, 464
input impedance for external trigger, 174, 468 input inversion for specified channel, 149 insert label, 150
installed options identified, 73 instruction header, 532 instrument number, 70 instrument options identified, 73 instrument requests service, 82 instrument serial number, 117 instrument settings, 193 instrument type, 70
integrate math function, 182, 186, 420 INTegrate source for function, 190 INTERN files, 169
introduction to :FUNCtion commands, 182 introduction to :HARDcopy commands, 193 introduction to :MARKer commands, 204 introduction to :MEASure commands, 218 introduction to :RECall commands, 257 introduction to :SAVE commands, 263 introduction to :SBUS commands, 277 introduction to :SYSTem commands, 294 introduction to :TIMebase commands, 302 introduction to :TRIGger commands, 313 introduction to :WAVeform commands, 403 introduction to common (*) commands, 63 introduction to root (:) commands, 88 invert graticule colors for hardcopy, 199, 476 invert graticule colors for image, 269 inverting input for channels, 149
key disable, 298
key press detected in Standard Event Status Register, 69
knob disable, 298 known state, 75
label, 462
LABel commands, 442 label list, 150, 167 labels, 150, 166, 167
labels to store calibration information, 136 labels, specifying, 161
language example program, 550, 559, 568, 578
LaserJet, 472
leakage into peak spectrum, 192 learn string, 71, 299
least significant byte first, 408 left reference, 307
legal values for channel offset, 151 legal values for frequency span, 191 legal values for offset, 185 LENGth commands, 442
length for waveform data, 275 less than qualifier, 352
less than time, 337, 340, 349, 353 LESSthan commands, 442
LEVel commands, 442
level for trigger voltage, 343, 350 LF coupling, 342
license information, 73 limits for line number, 382 LIN acknowledge, 366 LIN baud rate, 367
LIN identifier, 365
LIN serial decode bus parity bits, 285 LIN source, 368
LIN standard, 369 LIN sync break, 370 LIN trigger, 371
592 | Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference |